On Saturday, 20 August 2016 02:29:17 UTC+2, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:
> With all due respected to the illustrious Dr. Iverson, he was in 
> loony-land with his two versions of minus.
> I take exception to the "loony-land" qualification of Dr Iverson's raised 
minus. I think it was immensely appropriate and sadly forgotten that APL 
introduced the brilliant idea of discarding operator precedence in favour 
of making functions themselves operators with NO associated precedence. The 
use of a raised minus to eliminate confusion was a sensible one, one 
Michael Jones further justifies in its use in teaching Algebra (I still 
smart when I remember my confusion in Algebra classes after the teacher 
dropped all minus and plus signs and the parentheses she'd used until 

Even sadder, I find the disappearance of RPN from hand-held calculators, 
for which I hold HP almost entirely responsible.

That APL is still available in some form or other I find emotionally,but 
sadly not economically, rewarding. My short liaison with the language has 
given me a perspective I still believe helped shape all of my computing 
experience since those late 1970 years.


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