Have you looked at template 
blocks? https://golang.org/pkg/html/template/#example_Template_block

My approach is to create a map[string]*template.Template that contains each 
template (base + layout + blocks for that template), with the map key set 
to the layout name. 

On Monday, August 8, 2016 at 11:53:05 AM UTC-7, Paulo Janeiro wrote:
> I'm using html/template already.
> I'm able to parse my templates dynamically but my approach doesn't seems 
> to be the best to handle dozens of different templates that can be used 
> inside N different combinations, especially because I want to cache them 
> and not to have to parse those combination every time I render that view.
> For example, I have this code:
> func extractFileNames () (templateFileNamesFull []string) {
>     files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir("./views")                                 
>     for _, f := range files {                                             
>         if strings.Contains(f.Name(), ".html") {                         
>             templateFileNamesFull = append(templateFileNamesFull, "views/" 
> + f.Name())                   
>         }
>     }
>     return templateFileNamesFull                                         
> }
> var Templates = template.Must(template.ParseFiles(extractFileNames()...)) 
> This works great WITHOUT layouts/components, because using components make 
> me have N of these combinations, instead of just one "Templates" variable 
> with all posed templates:
> t1.ParseFiles("boilerplate.html", "page1.html")
> ...
> tN.ParseFiles("boilerplate.html", "pageN.html")
> AFAIK with GO I can't create dynamic variables like "template1",..., 
> "templateN" thus making this road not the best one for what I want.
> So,  as a newcomer to this language and with some homework done, my 
> question is if there are some best practices for using these small 
> components or is it something that makes the use of a Web Framework 
> necessary?
> On Monday, August 8, 2016 at 7:09:48 PM UTC+1, parais...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Use the html/template package . It's a good idea to go through the 
>> documentation of the standard lib once and to see what packages it 
>> provides. In fact, with Go the knowledge of the std lib is as important 
>> knowing any other  features of the language. 
>> Le dimanche 7 août 2016 23:51:05 UTC+2, Paulo Janeiro a écrit :
>>> Coming from another language, I'm starting to port a web app to Go using 
>>> default packages to test-drive it but I couldn't find any 
>>> standard/recommended way of using pre-defined HTML components that I could 
>>> use in HTML pages and inside other components.
>>> Specifically, is there a recommended pattern on how to use a component 
>>> inside another component inside another component passing data to each one 
>>> in a transparent way?
>>> As far as I understand Go differentiates itself from other languages 
>>> because you don't need to use a Web framework and rather use default 
>>> API/middleware. But when it comes to reusable templates/components (and 
>>> also layouts) I don't see an immediate  parallel.
>>> Could someone point me in the correct direction?
>>> Thanks.

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