Thanks for the explanation,

The update I suggest is to add the following sentence to the end of the 
reflect.Value.IsNil documentation:

Likewise, if v was created by calling ValueOf on an initialised interface{} 
> value with a nil value pointer j, v.IsNil will return true, whereas j == 
> nil will return false.

Based on the following observation:

var m map[string]interface{}
var i interface{} = m
fmt.Printf("reflect.ValueOf(i).IsNil() == %t\n", reflect.ValueOf(i).IsNil())
fmt.Printf("i == nil                   == %t\n", i == nil)
// output:
// reflect.ValueOf(i).IsNil() == true
// i == nil                   == false

On Tuesday, 9 August 2016 14:43:41 UTC+1, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 6:23 AM, Sam Salisbury < 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > 
> > All this gets me thinking, is there any use case where this fact is 
> useful? 
> > (I.e. a nil-valued interface not being equal to nil via the == 
> operator.) 
> This has been discussed several times on the mailing list.  An 
> interface value == nil if it is the zero value of the interface type. 
> It does not == nil if it holds the zero value of some other type, even 
> if the zero value of that other type is nil.  Many people would be 
> surprised if 
>     var v interface{} = 0 
>     fmt.Printf("%t\n", v == nil) 
> printed true.  It should be equally surprising if 
>     var v interface{} = (*byte)(nil) 
>     fmt.Printf("%t\n", v == nil) 
> printed true. 
> The confusion results because Go, perhaps unfortunately, uses the name 
> nil to designate both the zero value of an interface and the zero 
> value of a pointer (and a slice or map or channel too, for that 
> matter).  If the names were different, this would be less confusing. 
> > Also, should the reflect.Value.IsNil documentation be updated? It 
> doesn't 
> > mention this case where it differs*, only the one about it panicking on 
> a 
> > zero reflect.Value. 
> > 
> > * IsNil returns true for an interface{} with a nil value pointer, even 
> > though '== nil' return false. 
> What update do you suggest?  You say there is a "case where it 
> differs", but by my reading there is not.  It may help to read 
> . 
> Ian 

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