On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 9:19 AM, Nathan Youngman <gop...@nathany.com> wrote:

> Thanks Brad.
> I also use $GOPATH ($HOME/src) for code non-Go projects.
> I'd be in favour of a more automated solution to ignoring folders that
> don't contain any *.go files (until such time as they start using *.go).

It already does ignore folders without *.go files.

The slow part for people with gigantic GOPATHs is traversing down to the
directory to discover it has no Go files.

And without a daemon, you can't cut off a subtree higher "until such time
as they start using *.go" because you don't know when that is.

So currently goimports does (when first needed), the equivalent of a find
$GOPATH/src -name '*.go' but skipping dirs starting with ".", "_", etc (so
skipping ".git" dirs).

An explicit blacklist sounds fine. I filed

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