AFAIK (and someone will probably provide something better) you need to do 
something like this:

> On Jun 17, 2016, at 2:37 PM, wrote:
> We have an upstream provider of JSON data which sends integer data
> types as floating point literals with a "0" decimal part. By default
> json.Decoder doesn't allow this and fails:
> Unfortunately this provider is almost certain not to change this, and
> so we just have to deal with it as clients of their API. What are some
> ways we could handle this?
> Things that come to mind:
>    - Submit a change to encoding/json that allows us to set some sort
>      of number processing function to customize its behavior (or to
>      set some sort of policy which allows number literals ending in
>      \.0*$ for integer targets)
>    - Create a custom io.Reader which wraps in input stream by reading
>      individual tokens from it using an internal json.Decoder, and
>      then emits number literals without trailing ".0". 
>    - Buffer all inbound decodes into a map[string]interface{} and set
>      the decoder to UseNumber(), and then replace those json.Numbers
>      with corrected ones, then serialize back and decode once more
>      into the destination (this is similar to the token-stream
>      approach above)
> Are there other approaches I'm overlooking?
> jonathan
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