Using the curve brainpoolP512r1 to generate subkeys for signing and 
verification for a key reports an error, using the following command:

printf "$pass" | \
gpg --batch --pinentry-mode=loopback --passphrase-fd 0 \
    --quick-add-key $fpr brainpoolP512r1 sign 0

gpg: Key generation failed: Wrong key usage

The brainpoolP512r1 curve supports signing and encryption via 
https://wiki.gnupg.org/ECC. In the above command, subkeys can be generated 
normally when usage is encr, but using sign and auth will prompt the “gpg: Key 
generation failed: Wrong key usage”.

Subkeys with signatures and authentication can be added normally through the 
--full-generate-key interaction mode.

Is this an incorrect Gnupg configuration or a bug?
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