
While Debian is shipping GnuPG 2.2 even in sid[1] and starting to play
with 2.4 in experimental[2], Ubuntu has been shipping the newer Version
even in 24.04 LTS noble[3]. However, I haven't digged into patching yet
and don't know what was changed and why they change things.

I set up a Debian apt repository on my domain[4] with a precompiled
version of upstream vanilla code. Usage requires a sources.list.d file
and a keyrings file. Both files are available via download from the
website. The fingerprint of the signing key is

2BBD 6FF0 68FE F790 5A53  1348 ECB5 3FD1 8ACC CF7C

and the key was created today. There are two packages available:

shimps-gnupg    - GnuPG 2.4.7 shipping the extracted tarball and
                  compiled binaries in /opt/shimps (126M)
shimps-gnupg-ng - GnuPG 2.5.2 shipping speedo compiled binaries only
                  in /opt/local/shimps (32M) including libraries

The dependencies and missing recommendations are far from optimal and
improvement is on the todo list, but I wanted to offer the repository
as a (pre-)christmas surprise. Please feel free to test and suggest
improvements. Even in the file ``shimps.list'' there is an annoying
string ``./vanilla'' instead of ``vanilla'' which I need to debug.
Maybe a trick in .htaccess to get rid of an error message.

 [1] https://packages.debian.org/sid/gnupg
 [2] https://packages.debian.org/experimental/gnupg
 [3] https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/gnupg
 [4] https://software.shimps.net/

kind regards

Attachment: pgpbkgO1QdJtO.pgp
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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