Hi, thank you for your answer.
We do not think that is our problem as the rsync server is still online,
the problem is specifically with these files:
- /gnupg/g10-0.2.3.tar.gz.pgp.sig
- /gnupg/g10-0.2.3.tar.gz.sig
- /gnupg/g10-0.2.4.tar.gz.pgp.sig
- /gnupg/g10-0.2.5.tar.gz.pgp.sig
- /gnupg/g10-0.2.6.tar.gz.pgp.sig
- /gnupg/g10-0.2.7.tar.gz.sig
Everything else is copied and mirrored correctly.
GARR Mirror Service
On 28/11/24 17:42, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
On Mittwoch, 27. November 2024 12:09:36 Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit Luca
Vincenti via Gnupg-users wrote:
We at GARR have a mirror service aimed at the Italian community and we
have been mirroring this project for a while using rsync on this source:
I think you missed this announcement athttps://gnupg.org/
Our FTP server has been discontinued (2024-08-20)
For technical and organisational reasons we recently shutdown our FTP server.
Instead of using ftp.gnupg.org please usehttps://gnupg.org/ftp/ .
All FTP mirrors seem to be dead or empty. A couple of HTTP mirrors seem to
mirrorhttps://gnupg.org/ftp/gcrypt .
Luca Vincenti
Gruppo IT - Dipartimento Infrastruttura
GARR - The Italian Academic and Research Network
Via dei Tizii, 6/b - 00185 Roma, Italy
Tel: +39 06 4962 2517
Mob: +39 331 1404831
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