On 17 Nov 2024, at 09:54, Marco Moock via Gnupg-users <gnupg-users@gnupg.org> 
> Am 17.11.2024 um 09:14:47 Uhr schrieb Andrew Gallagher:
>> A question to both Robert and Marco:
>> Where did you get your gnupg(s) from?
> Debian repo, currently experimental.

OK, that would explain why Robert gets an error message and you don’t. If you 
don’t have a copy of the key already, then the key is unusable without the 
userid. The difference is that Robert’s gnupg rejects the downloaded 
(userid-less) key out of hand, while yours tries to merge it with any existing 
local copy first, which doesn’t generate the same error message. But without a 
userid it will still get discarded. Changing keyserver should fix the issue in 
any case.

>> In the above transcript it looks like it is querying
>> keys.openpgp.org, which sometimes distributes keys without userids.
> Is there a special reason for that?

Excessively-cautious interpretation of GDPR. keys.openpgp.org relies on 
explicit consent before publishing userids, while other keyservers rely on 
public interest.


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