On 10/29/2024 10:05 AM, Werner Koch via Gnupg-users wrote:

you should really set aside problems wit the distribution and use the
speedo variant to build eberthing.  This is somewhat similar to an
AppImage.  From the README:

   To quickly build all required software without installing it, the
   Speedo target may be used:

     make -f build-aux/speedo.mk native

   This target downloads all required libraries and does a native build
   of GnuPG to PLAY/inst/.  GNU make and the patchelf tool are
   required.  After the build the entire software including all
   libraries can be installed into an arbitrary location using for

     make -f build-aux/speedo.mk install SYSROOT=/usr/local/gnupg26
THIS IS BAD!  It is the make-based version of the memed "download and
run random code from the internet" instructions that security-ignorant
teams keep posting as their "Linux" install instructions.  The
semi-embedded "buildroot" project did the same years ago .

Unless the speedo make target actively checks each download against a
strong hash stored in the initial gnupg tarball, this exposes the
user/dev to all manner of supply chain attacks by running unvetted
build scripts and other code from whomever hijacks any one of the
various upstream URLs.

Systemd blindly loading random 3rd party decompression libraries into
all compatible demon processes was similarly exploited this year by
someone invading one of the compression projects.


Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S.  https://www.wisemo.com
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