On Dienstag, 2. Januar 2024 12:16:15 CET LuKaRo wrote:
> > I do not want to use Gmail to send that kind of informations and I'm
> > comtemplating using posteo.de.
> > 
> > Is this any better?
> I'd argue of course it's better. Google openly admits reading your
> e-mail, so other mail providers that respect your privacy should be
> preferred. I particularly like posteo.de, because the 1€/month fee is
> still very cheap but makes clear that they have a different business
> model that doesn't involve customer data. Furthermore, they deploy a
> very sophisticated solution that makes it technically impossible to
> match payment data or IP addresses to mailboxes, and even fought (and
> won!) a lawsuit against the German authorities that wanted to force
> posteo to hand out customer data (which they don't even collect).

Posteo will release data to authorities if they are forced to do so by a 
judicial order. See their transparency reports for details:

I'm still using Posteo.


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