On Montag, 1. Januar 2024 20:33:28 CET Matthias Apitz wrote:
> It seems from the man page that only '#' is documented:

Must be an older version. The manual page of GnuPG 2.4.3 reads:

       ‐K     List  the  specified  secret keys.  If no keys are specified, 
all known secret keys are listed.  A # after the initial tags sec or ssb means 
that the secret key or subkey is currently not usable.  We also say that this 
key has been taken offline (for example, a primary key can be taken offline by 
exporting the key using  the  command  ‐‐export‐secret‐subkeys).  A > after 
these tags indicate that the key is stored on a smartcard.  See also 


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