Quoting Andre Heinecke via Gnupg-users <gnupg-users@gnupg.org> (from Wed, 14 Jun 2023 10:22:36 +0200):

Then I start the Windows App and it wants to connect either to the smartphone
or to an NFC reader. The option to connect to a smartphone is not shown,
because apparently as they need to be in the same WLAN it is not offered to
connect them because the VM, which is running on my Laptop in the same WLAN
does not see it as WLAN but as a network.

The Windows PC I used with the AusweisApp was connected via cable and it worked. The WLAN and the cable network are in the same /24 range in my case. So your problem was caused by something else than what you thought. I haven't done a packet trace, but I assume they do a broadcast message in the local network, so if your VM is in e.g. a NATted 10.0.0.x/24 and your linux PC in 192.168.1.y/24, it will not work.

You can give it a try without going through the website.

There's also a video tutorial, it seems:

Some basic connection validation can be done via "Gerät und Ausweis prüfen". Once this works you could try "Meine Daten einsehen".


http://www.Leidinger.net alexan...@leidinger.net: PGP 0x8F31830F9F2772BF
http://www.FreeBSD.org    netch...@freebsd.org  : PGP 0x8F31830F9F2772BF

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