On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 06:23:37PM +0200, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> Hello,
> Am Donnerstag 01 Dezember 2022 17:42:47 schrieb Bernhard Reiter:
> > seems to be a good time to start an official Mastodon account
> > for GnuPG and related topics like Gpg4win and OpenPGP.
> this plan was frozen
>  first by the future OpenPGP standards (see gnupg-devel@ from the 26th on).
>  secondly by me being unable to work for several weeks
> > At least for announcements and some interaction as the interest
> > is growing for this decentral platform.
> I'm picking it up again and assume ongoing interest.
> == Server selection details
> >  initial rough requirements:
> >  * located in Europe
>      (preferred, because many GnuPG / Gpg4win people 
>       know the legal environment in the EU better)
> >  * can be volunteeringly paid for
> >  * some volume / track record to expect a good administration
> >  * a moderation and contents policy that allows for respectful
> >    exchange, but is liberal in that commercial Free Software
> >    topics (and broad other topics) are allowed as well.
> >  * (optional) Free Software and privacy friendly organisation
> Found more:
>  * can take the potential load (https://twitter.com/gnupg as 20k followers)
>  * (optional) Tor network access
>  * German any English?
> The latter is a question if we should make two account, one for Englisch and 
> one for German. There are quite a lot of German speaking Gpg4win and GnuPG 
> users, it probably is the second largest group after English.
> Thanks again for the server suggestions, my current ranking is:
>   1. https://mstdn.social 35k account
>      Has everything, strong point: Tor access.
>      Weak point: no advertising
>      I've asked, and it is okay to write about professional
>      Free Software products as long as it does not flood the public timeline.
>   2. infosec.exchange 18k
>      Servers rented in Germany, Responsible Person in the US. No Tor.
>      No FS preferance.
>      Strong point: Infosec community (and moderators from that topic)
>   3. fosstodon.org 16k
>      No Tor.
>      weak point: English post only.

Well there was also the initial thought of spinning "our own" instance.
I still hold the gnupg.social dns registration and I am still willing 
to pay for it and keeping it current.
I also would chip in time as a assistant administrator. Though I have to
say I do not have any experience in running a mastodon instance.


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