Hello Martin,

so I think these people want to make it as easy as possible for others to get the public key. I also make my keys available on my website and via WKD and DNS. From my point of view it is also a kind of security for people who want to write to me that they have my real key - and not a fake one.


Am 03.02.23 um 11:16 schrieb Martin:
Hello Vincent,

Ok - that is clear now. I never had the idea to get a "whole list"
from a key server but I didn't understand why people let access their
key only on their own website.


Thursday, February 2, 2023, 9:45:53 PM, you wrote:

Could you please explain this, I don't understand really. So there are
public and no public keys on the this key-server? Who decides that a
key is public or non-public? Who or how can I request a non-public
Sorry, that wasn't as clear as it could have been. There are no
non-public keys, all keys are still publicly available, and can be
retrieved by fingerprint or email address. You just can't retrieve
all keys or email addresses as a full list, which makes it a far
less interesting target for spammers.

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