
   gpg --quick-gen-key --batch ed25519 sign,cert

and then

   gpg --quick-add-key --batch FINGERPRINT cv25519 encr sign,cert 2y

Thank you very much!
I will see how I can apply this, in a single sh script with the unattended key generation as well. The thing is I "feed" the private key material to gnupg for generation, the key is not generated randomly.

Isn't it wise to add a "Subkey-Expire-Date:" param that will map to pSUBKEYEXPIRE (I can see there is a pSUBKEYEXPIRE from browsing the code)? That will only touch the subkey itself, without caring about the primary key? Or it doesn't work like this?

Attachment: OpenPGP_signature
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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