Il 05 agosto 2022 alle 18:13 Michael Richardson ha scritto:
> Francesco Ariis <> wrote:
>     > Il 05 agosto 2022 alle 17:28 Jay Sulzberger via Gnupg-users ha scritto:
>     >> Does the PGP public key at
>     >> work?
>     > It gets copied in a weird way (i.e. some characters that should be
>     > newlines are instead spaces); I am not able to import it.
> Yeah, the marketing department screwed it up, and should have put <pre> on it.
> It suggests that it has never really been used.

That was what I was thinking. It would be interesting to see how long
the key has been there in such a state.

If the answer is “a long time”, that is quite a field report: it means
signal and whatsapp (!) are more popular options (way more popular
options) than PGP + email for secure communications.

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