Here's where I hate to sound like a jerk, but I can't help you. I'm not an AIX guy and I don't do packaging for it. This is a packaging issue, not a GnuPG one. :(

There might be an AIX person on the list who can help, but I'm unable to.

No worries, sometimes it is just like that. And you are not a jerk, because it is not your wheelhouse. In parallel I am hitting the IBM OpenSource Community and got an answer that I find discouraging:
The libraries compiled with xlc won't provide some of the symbols which gcc built libraries needs.
But it can work the other way around.
To resolve the current issue you would need to have the Toolbox dependent libraries installed or build the dependent libraries with gcc.

I admit, I do not understand what they are saying with 'gcc compiled symbols'.
Is here anyone who knows anything about that? And most preferably, how to make xlc or xlclang++ generate those symbols?

Kind regards

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