I hate to bother you but after updating to Mac OS Monterey last night
gnupg does not work with the two Yubikeys nicely(. It asks for the first
Yubikey the file was encrypted with when I try to decrypt this file with
the second Yubikey. Both Yubikeys have the same secret keys.
I am now using:
gpg (GnuPG) 2.3.3
libgcrypt 1.9.4
Mac OS Monterey
thank you
12.12.2021 19:30, Ingo Klöcker пишет:
Please keep replies on this mailing list.
On Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2021 09:12:28 CET bere...@hotmail.com wrote:
everything is cool now except for one symlink error:
$ gpg --version
*gpg: error reading symlink '/proc/curproc/file': No such file or directory*
You can safely ignore this error. It's harmless and the error message should
no longer be shown in the next version.
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