
I've upgraded from an old version of GnuPG (1.4.18) to version 2.2.31
and encountered a new behavior which puzzles me:

I would like to import a key that has been previously signed with 
`gpg --sign` (say for example "somekey.pub.key.gpg").

In the old version of GnuPG I could import the .gpg-file into the key ring
simply by doing `gpg --import`. The new version, however, does nothing:

    $ gpg --import somekey.pub.key.gpg
    gpg: Total number processed: 0

On the other hand, importing the plain key-file ("somekey.pub.key")

    $ gpg --import somekey.pub.key
    gpg: ...
    gpg: Total number processed: 1
    gpg:               imported: 1

I have no problem replacing the .gpg-file with the original .pub.key-file
when importing the key, but I am concerned that I am doing something
unsafe here.

What am I missing here?


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