
On Sat, 31 Jul 2021 23:05, Jonas Tobias Hopusch said:

> Does anyone know what may have gone wrong? Is there any additional 
> information I
> can provide to help with tracking down what I presume to be a bug?

It took me a while to track this down.  If you look closely at the

pub   rsa4096/612F3350DB59D359 2021-01-27 [C] [verfällt: 2024-01-27]
  Schl.-Fingerabdruck = 1F42 EF02 BE3E 6FE8 F624  C8BC 612F 3350 DB59 D359
uid              [vollständig]  (Domain owner of jotoho.de) <hostm[...]
                               ^- Here is leading blank.

gpg --list-packets makes it easier to see:

:user ID packet: " (Domain owner of jotoho.de) <hostmas...@jotoho.de>"
Although that is somewhat peculiar it does not harm.  But,
gpg-wks-client does some processing of the key:

1. It list all mail addresses from the key and matches them to the
   requested mail address.  (in your example hostmaster@...)

2. Now it may happen tha there are several user-ids all with the same
   mail address.  gpg-wks-tools picks one of them and then extracts
   exactly that user id - however in this case it does not match by the
   mail address but by the full user-id so that there will be only one
   user-id in the final key.

3. The filter built expression unfortunately strips leading blanks but
   requires a verbatim match.  Thus it won't find the user id again and
   errors out.

Right there is a second error that the empty file should not have been
written.  But after all that error should never happen.

I need to see how I can avoid to trim the leading space from the filter



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