On 3/25/2021 12:34 PM, Klaus Ethgen wrote:

Am Do den 25. Mär 2021 um 11:51 schrieb Bernhard Reiter:
To me the protected headers implementation Thunderbird is a step back,
as it leads to unnecessary data leaks (subject and cc) to other clients
with are OpenPGP/MIME compatible.

Well, there is other..

For example, if you start editing a mail with thunderbird and put it to
drafts. Then finishing the edit with mutt. This will leak the following
- user-agent
- x-mailer
- x-mozilla-draft-info
- x-enigmail-draft-status
- x-account-key
- x-identity-key
- fcc

Even when sending mails just from thunderbird, it leaks at least the
user-agent header.

Currently I configured my MTA to remove that headers for outgoing mails.

You can disable the usage of the user-agent in TB, one can only hope for
the others as well.

John Doe

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