On Fri, 12 Feb 2021 11:44, Erich Eckner said:

> $GPG --export --export-filter keep-uid="mbox = $mbox" $fpr

gpg-wks-client does something similar but using "uid =" with a
pre-checked UID in an import filter.  It also uses
import-options=import-export to process the keyblock without actually
importing it.

> $GPG --export --export-filter keep-uid="mbox =
> buildmas...@archlinux32.org" 2E29129B8C684FE7A959C422714A1770ECE2DF62
> | gpg

You should use

  | gpg --show-keys

> pub   rsa4096 2017-06-23 [SC] [expired: 2019-06-23]
>        2E29129B8C684FE7A959C422714A1770ECE2DF62
> uid           buildmaster <buildmas...@archlinux32.org>
> sub   rsa4096 2017-06-23 [S] [expired: 2021-12-31]
> (note the expired pub, thus the whole key is considered expired)

Please try with --show-keys instead of using the default action.

> This is not usable for wkd for me, because it contains all uids (of
> course).

I am curious why you don't use gpg-wks-client for example with
the --install-key command.



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