Have you tried checking with update-alternatives which pinentry is default
I remember having to switch mine from pinentry-gnome to pinentry-tty on my
machine (I don't use emacs though).

On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 9:22 PM Phillip Susi <ph...@thesusis.net> wrote:

> I have installed the pinetry module and run M-x pinentry-start, as well
> as added allow-emacs-pinentry to ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf, yet whenever I
> try signing an email in mu4e, pinentry gets into a fight with emacs over
> the tty and everything goes all fscked up.  Why is this?  Why does
> pinentry still try to take over the terminal instead of contacting
> emacs?  For that matter, why can both programs fight over it?  I thoguht
> only one process group was the foreground group, and only that process
> group could read input from the tty.  Instead it seems like both
> programs are reading some of the input and so I can't get emacs to
> switch buffers, nor pinentry to enter the correct password, nor cancel.
> I'm on Ubuntu 20.04 with pinentry 1.1.0 and emacs 26.3.
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