On Samstag, 23. Januar 2021 04:11:53 CET John Scott via Gnupg-users wrote:
> I'm having trouble writing a program using GPGME that is able to read the
> signatures of keys from a file. I've ensured that GPGME_KEYLIST_MODE_SIGS is
> specified and would appreciate additional eyeballs on it. I've tested it
> with the Debian keyring which has many signatures and not had any luck.
> The code is at https://salsa.debian.org/-/snippets/519 or can be cloned from
> https://salsa.debian.org/snippets/519.git

Did you have a look at GPGME's tests as working example code? There is a test 
for listing signatures:

Also: Did you run your program with debug output? You can enable GPGME's debug 
output with the environment variable GPGME_DEBUG=<debug level>. See
for the different debug levels. With debug level 7 (DEBUG_SYSIO) you'll see 
(among a lot of other debug output) with which arguments GPGME calls gpg.


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