On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 3:00 PM Werner Koch <w...@gnupg.org> wrote:
> On Tue,  5 Jan 2021 16:46, Stefan Claas said:
> > Not sure I understand you correctly, but why are then SKS key servers
> > still in operation, which allows third parties to look up who signed
> > who's key and with what trust level and GnuPG's WoT support, compared
> Because that is the base of the WoT and there a legitimate use cases for
> this.  You might also want to learn on how the WoT works to see why the
> keyservers don't carry any information on what you call "trust level"
> and what we call "ownertrust".  Just in case you meant the signature
> class (0x10..0x13 aka generic,persona,casual,positive) the default is
> "generic" and you need to employ the --ask-cert-level option to change
> the default on a key by key case.

Thanks for the reply and clarifying.

> Further, the plan is to replace the SKS software by hockeypuck on the
> servers.  Thus the existing defaults are still good defaults.

Ah, interesting. You know, what would be cool if a hockeypuck testnet would
be run first, starting from zero, so that everybody interested in this
new keyserver
network can participate, like submitting their keys etc. and later it
get's transfered
to a mainnet without old useless keys, to have a fresh and clean database.

I guess even the most hardcore SKS fan would agree that this should be not
to much work for users, submitting only once their actual key(s) and
revoked keys.


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