Thanks so much! That worked!

Shelley Ford

From: Andrew Gallagher <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2020 10:56 AM
To: Shelley Ford <>
Subject: Re: How Do I Overwrite Files in GnuPG?

On 22 Dec 2020, at 16:49, Shelley Ford 
<<>> wrote:
gpg: Note: '--yes' is not considered an option
gpg: Note: '--batch' is not considered an option
What I'm using:
gpg --output e:\temp\test.txt.pgp --encrypt --recipient recipient@org 
e:\temp\test.txt --batch --yes
I'm using this on Windows 2016. I'm not sure what I'm missing...any ideas?

This is one of gpg’s little UI idiosyncrasies. '—batch', '—yes' etc. must come 
before actions such as '—encrypt' on the command line.

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