On Tue,  2 Jun 2020 13:59, Williams, Chad L said:
> [cid:image002.jpg@01D638BC.16B954A0]

[Which is a screenshot of the curses pinentry waiting for input.]

If you want the volunteers here to help you, it is important that you
write a proper bug report.  This includes telling us the version of
GnuPG and of the OS, describing _exactly_ what you did, and providing
logs.  You should be aware thata curses based panel disturbs
the stderr diagnostics printed to the tty; thus you should redirect it
to a log file.

BTW, there are commercial support service providers available [1] who will
be able to talk you to a solution. 



[1] https://gnupg.org/service.html for a list.  gnupg.com is my own
service which also develops and maintains GnuPG and friends.

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