That is what I see happening too. When you start having multiple key
stores, which one contains the "correct" keys?  I saw that happening in
just my very limited usage where another program has its own key rings... 

On 5/31/2020 1:28 AM, Andreas Boehlk Computer-Service wrote:
> Hello Mark,
> I totally agree. It is not possible to have more than one key store.
> Synchronization always fails some time and the standard user cannot
> handle it. So the only solution for TB will be to use GNUPG, because it
> has the only key store for all platforms and has proved to work for
> years. That results in the only possible solution for TB to integrate
> the enigmail functionality into the code directly or live with the
> enigmail plug-in. All other solutions are defective by design from start.
> Andreas
> ://

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