Andreas Ronnquist <> wrote:
> I have a problem on Debian unstable (running in Virtualbox), running the
> Xfce desktop - 
> I have my gpg key on a card (a Librem key, which basically is a
> Nitrokey) when using pinentry to enter the card password, I first have
> to press my mouse on the screen (or a key on my keyboard) to make the
> password dialog appear.

I think that it's related to window manager.  For testing, you can
manually invoke pinentry like:

   $ pinentry                 # run pinentry by command line (-gtk2 or any)
   confirm                    # shows a dialog box
   bye                        # finish the session

Doing this makes it easy to identify a problem (from complicated
interaction of gpg <-> gpg-agent <-> pinentry).

> Is there any way to make the dialog appear at once, when it is ready to
> take my passphrase entry, or some workaround of any kind?

It seems for me that:

You can somehow control the behavior of the window manager.

In its configuration by "Focus" tab in "Window Manager Tweaks":

And/or the first entry of "Accessibility" tab which says "Raise windows
when any mous button is pressed".

Or "Focus" tab in "Preferences":

Looking the commit log of xfwm4 (about "stacking"), it appears something
has been changed.

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