Uwe Brauer via Gnupg-users wrote:

>    > Uwe Brauer via Gnupg-users wrote:
>    > Sorry, I can't help you but I do have a question, if you don't mind ...
>    > Why are the Students at the University don't use OpenPGP with Gmail
>    > via the free Mailvelope add-on for Firefox, Chrome? Wouldn't that be
>    > not cheaper instead of purchasing a whole lot of S/MIME certificates?
> Well, first of all the university decided to use (as a understand,
> without charge) gmail services, since they could not effort to run their
> own server.
> Now to the question s/mime versus gnupg.
> There are the following points which make s/mime easier.


> I hope that makes it clear why s/mime is preferred of pgp.

Yes, it is clear now and makes sense.


box: 4a64758de9e8ceded2c481ee526440687fe2f3a828e3a813f87753ad30847b56
  certified OpenPGP key blocks available on keybase.io/stefan_claas

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