Uwe Brauer via Gnupg-users wrote:

> Hi
> This might be slightly off topic, but I would really appreciate some
> feedback.
> My university uses a special gmail service for academic institutions.
> Recently gmail provides smime support itself and this has been enabled
> by my university.
> Now comes the strange thing:
> I use smime mostly with emacs+gnus, sometimes with thunderbird.
> When I sent (with emacs or thunderbird) an encrypted+signed message [1], to a
> person in my university which whom I have interchanged the public key, since
> some time, *two* messages are sent, one 
>     1. Is encrypted and signed
>     2. The other is only signed.
> Can somebody please confirm this strange behavior? 
> Is this connected to the fact that my university enabled smime support?
> It seems to me a complete security breach.

Sorry, I can't help you but I do have a question, if you don't mind ...

Why are the Students at the University don't use OpenPGP with Gmail
via the free Mailvelope add-on for Firefox, Chrome? Wouldn't that be
not cheaper instead of purchasing a whole lot of S/MIME certificates?

And Mailvelope is also super easy to use and no GnuPG installation
is required.


box: 4a64758de9e8ceded2c481ee526440687fe2f3a828e3a813f87753ad30847b56
  certified OpenPGP key blocks available on keybase.io/stefan_claas

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