On Wed, 13 Nov 2019 17:58, Ralph Seichter said:

> I use the same GnuPG version, but the Emacs variable setting you
> suggested makes no difference for me. That's Emacs version 26.3,
> which I should have mentioned earlier.

Yet another regression in Emacs?  I am still cursing over 26.
Fortunately I always use xterms so the regular GUI pinentry works
nicely.  I only briefly tested the Emacs pinentry features we once
introduced for epg.

The socket used by pinentry-emacs is

  ${TMPDIR-/tmp}/emacs$(id -u)/pinentry

does this exist?  If you insert a pinentry wrapper, can you see the
INSIDE_EMACS envvar?  Has pinentry been build with emacs support?

Some of these questions are unfortunately not easy to answer.  I will
add information on the availibility of the emacs support to the pinentry
status output.  Adding "debug-pinentry" to gpg-agent.conf may help a
bit, though.



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