On Thu,  1 Aug 2019 09:27, gnupg-users@gnupg.org said:

> We're already in uncharted waters with the inevitable abuse of SKS, we
> need to figure out how to stabilize the ecosystem.

Most businesses do not use public keyservers at all but use their
internal PKI.

> If the PGP implementation of OpenPGP has bugs or doesn't behave well in
> the context of a minimized/stripped certificate, let's ask them to fix
> those bugs.  The bugs in how that implementation interprets data are

Good luck.  PGP is in maintenance mode and there won't be any updates.
We even had layer-8 problems back in the times when Hal was still
alive/unfrozen to get new OpenPGP features into PGP.  In particular
companies will hesitate to update their once purchased PGP.



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