Oh no!! I'm terrible, I have just discovered that I have sent this mail
to the whole mailing list. Sorry to all of you for the inconvenience...
However, this might also be an opportunity for me to send my call to the
whole community.

Le 26.06.19 à 11:47, BESENCON Sylvain via Gnupg-users a écrit :

> My name is Sylvain Besençon, I am an anthropologist from the university
> of Fribourg, Switzerland, and I am doing a research for my PhD on the
> maintenance work of OpenPGP implementations, not from a technical point
> of view but rather from a socio-historical perspective. My objectives
> are, on the one hand, to collect information about the history of
> OpenPGP (from the very early days up to now), and on the second hand, to
> document the maintenance work that is done to keep the protocol and its
> implementations secure. However, my interest for OpenPGP goes beyond my
> sole academic papers: I love crypto, I love open source and I love
> easy-to-use privacy enhancing technologies. This is why I would love to
> be able to modestly contribute to this by bringing what I can do, namely
> socio-anthropological analyses to document the community effort to
> securely deploy such technologies.

Anyone interested to help me doing this research are of course more than
welcome! I would be definitely very happy if you would have time to
share your experience and ideas with me, specially on the history of
OpenPGP, the maintenance work that you do to maintain it secure, and
some important controversies. Please, write me in private so that we do
not disturb more the mailing list!...

Again, sorry for having sent this email to everybody...

Sylvain Besençon ▪︎ Assistant diplômé
Unité anthropologie sociale
Département des sciences sociales
Université de Fribourg
Bld. de Pérolles 90, CH-1700 Fribourg
PER21 - Bureau G320
+41 26 300 78 46
PGP: 9DDA 48E2 24FC A040 6B3A

Blog: https://blog.unifr.ch/cva
Platform for Experimental and Collaborative Ethnography:
Gnupg-users mailing list

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