On January 30, 2019 1:47:41 PM AKST, Stefan Claas <s...@300baud.de> wrote: >On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 12:46:26 -0800, Allen M. Juinio wrote: >> > Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2019 20:44:07 +0100 >> > From: Stefan Claas <s...@300baud.de> > >> > On the other side i wish PGPfone would have been further developed. >> > I found it, way back then, pretty cool and super easy to use, >compared >> > to PGP or GnuPG. > >> Have you tried using Signal from Open Whisper Systems? They have >both an Android and Apple version. > >Thanks, i am aware of Signal, but what i mean is to communicate >directly >and not via servers and also by not giving away phone numbers. > >With PGPfone one needed only the (current) IP address of its >communication >partner and then connected directly, without any servers involved. > >Regards >Stefan > >_______________________________________________ >Gnupg-users mailing list >Gnupg-users@gnupg.org >http://lists.gnupg.org/mailman/listinfo/gnupg-users
I don't mean to sound rude or out of place, but there appear to be too many distractions to have a productive discussion on this list, and there are some critical issues, because GnuPG has become an essential part of many important systems throughout the free and open source software community. The weekly "digest" option for the mailing list should be no-reply. People who wish to participate in a pointed or on-topic discussion really need to receive each email message independently. I realize it's a German domain, but 300baud.de is just really obnoxious in English. The phrase "300 baud" itself is, of course, completely unobjectionable hacker lore, but baud+de = "bawdy" as in "bawdy house" which is extremely vulgar in English. Only for the gentlemen. That sort of "humor" is not friendly to women and children, and I know especially a lot of women and girls would otherwise be very interested in cryptography, PGP-encrypted email, etc. Let's lose the vulgarity and focus on Alice's secret message to Bob, something Eve or Mallory has no need to know, basic elements of what needs to be done right with respect to the core functionality of GnuPG. Not to advertise, but my own domain is the Spanish word "colmena" (hive, colony of bees, beehive in English) with the "biz" tld, slang for "business." Bees are busy, and they make that buzzing noise. Point being, it's entirely possible to avoid a lewd implication or double entendre. I can't let people take me for all honey and no sting with my domain. With regards to PGPfone etc., all you need to do is run Asterisk on a server somewhere, enable SIP with encryption. If you or your conversation partner don't have a public key, there is a voice verification of endpoints, but do note that encrypted real-time voice conversations are extremely difficult to protect from packet-timing and other side-channel attacks which often trivially reveal a muffled but clear recording and transcript. The human voice is in a certain sense "too rich" to hide or conceal, and the Bible tells of a "line" of every signal or sound that extends to be heard to the ends the earth, and of the ungodly that "the sound of his words shall come unto the Lord for the manifestation of his wicked deeds." -- Una Milicia bien regulada, estando necesaria a la seguridad de un Estado libre, el derecho del pueblo de tener y de portar Armas, no serĂ¡ infringido. https://www.colmena.biz/~justina/contacto.php
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_______________________________________________ Gnupg-users mailing list Gnupg-users@gnupg.org http://lists.gnupg.org/mailman/listinfo/gnupg-users