On 2019-01-19 at 11:09 -0500, Jerry wrote:
> gpg> showphoto
> Displaying jpeg photo ID of size 88074 for key 3873063887DEC564 (uid 3)
> After a few seconds, an error message pops up on the screen. 
> C:\Users\Gerard\AppData\Local\Temp\gpg-62cno9\87DEC564.jpg contains an
> invalid path.
> I have tried several times with each uid and it always issues an error
> message.
> I was only experimenting with the idea of adding a photo, but I would
> still like to know why it is apparently not working correctly.

showphoto launches an external program to view the photo. Since you are
using Windows, the path has backslashes, that the receiving program
seems to be treating as escape characters rather than a path (plus, the
default of xloadimage is unlikely to be available there) 

Changing to a different viewer would probably fix it. And it will likely
work flawless if you tried the same steps from a *nix machine.

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