Dear gnupg-users, I've recently purchased some v3.3 OpenPGP cards from the floss shop in Germany. I generated keys on my host for testing using nistp521 for the primary key and two sub keys marked for authentication and encryption respectively.
I was previously able to move all three keys to a card. I'm now repeating the exercise on a fresh card. I'm unable to do proceed without getting an error "invalid value" from keytocard. The key type is set correctly on the card in card status (for the key that was selected), but the key is not moved. Sometimes I can move one of my three keys and the others stubbornly refuse to move. I am not bothered about running a factory reset, so I do this between tests (the key material is backed up so it can be reimported into the keyring no problem). My question is, is this a bug? It certainly looks like it; according to the sales page and zeitcontrol the cards support up to p521. See . Key storage should not be a problem as three p521 keys are significantly smaller than three rsa 4096 bit keys even without point compression, which (rsa4096) work successfully. Are there any log snippets or other information you need to understand what is going wrong? How do I get this to work successfully? linux 4.18 x86_64 gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.8 libgcrypt 1.8.3 I've found similar issues reported against other targets (yubikeys, nitrokeys etc) but not for the OpenPGP card itself. -- Kind Regards / Meilleures Salutations / Mit Freundlichen GrĂ¼ssen Antony _______________________________________________ Gnupg-users mailing list