
> - Friday evening: we will meet at the Winery (Trois Tilleuls Street 1, 1170
> – Brussels, www.winery.be ). People from Mailfence will be there from
> 19:30, I will arrive a little later.

I'll arrive at 4pm in Bruxelles and after getting rid of my luggage, I'll plan 
to come to Winery at 19:30 - Maybe I'll stay a little bit longer at a friends 
place and come later. I haven't checked the local transport system...

> - we will start on Saturday at 09:30. If you have any issues such as finding
> the location or with local logistics, here is my phone number: +41 78 631
> 6622

Excited to meet you all!


Ich habe meinen Schlüssel gewechselt / I've switched my GnuPG key:

Mein (neuer) öffentlicher Schlüssel / My (new) public key: E68031D299A6527C 
Fingerabdruck / Fingerprint:
D256 4951 1272 8840 BB5E  99F2 E680 31D2 99A6 527C 
Runterladen z.B. bei/ Get it e.g. here:
pool.sks-keyservers.net, ...

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