On Thu, 21 Jun 2018 11:40, lian.s...@virusbulletin.com said:

> 1. Is it "normal" to hang like this or it is a bug ?

No, that should not happen.  Compression 42 is clearly an indication for
a corrupt file.

> 2. Is there any option I can pass to gnupg in command line so that it
> goes on in case of errors instead of hanging?

No, the above looks like a bug which needs to be fixed.

> /gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.22//

That version is close to 5 years old and its 2.0 branch reached
end-of-life half a year ago.  We might have fixed such a bug already in
current versions.

Please let us know if you can replicate this with a current GnuPG
version and we will dig into it.



#  Please read:  Daniel Ellsberg - The Doomsday Machine  #
Die Gedanken sind frei.  Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.

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