On 06/06/2018 08:50 PM, Philipp Klaus Krause wrote:
> See https://www.aisec.fraunhofer.de/en/FirmwareProtection.html for 
> some research on breaking STM32 readout protection published in 
> January.

For what it's worth, STMicroelectronics claims that the attack described
in this paper "affects only the STM32F0 and is not successful in all
other series" [1].

Whether you believe them or not is up to you. Of note, the authors of
that paper themselves do not claim the attack works on anything else
than the STM32F0.

(But of course, just because *this* attack (presumably) does not work on
the STM32F103, it does not mean that nobody can ever come up with a
successful attack on that chip...)



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