
This (doing 'make' and 'make install') is what I did from time to time
on Ubuntu (currently 16.04). I used default path/prefixes, and after
having installed it I rename GnuPG executable /usr/local/bin/gpg to

Since /usr/local/bin precedes other default PATH components, gpg2
invokes the manually built GnuPG 2.2.*. That allows me to keep the
gnupg2 package (it installs /usr/bin/gpg2; several other packages I use
depend on gnupg2), while actually using the manually built one. That
also prevents apt and certain other programs using /usr/bin/gpg from
breaking (when they import a key, for example).

So far, no problems with the above approach.


On 29.05.2018 15:47, franek.wiertara wrote:
> Hi,
> A year ago or so, don't remember exactly, I installed GnuPG 2.2.0 from
> sources with all required libraries. I donwloaded them from the GnuPG
> website and created binaries using standard "./configure && make && make
> install". It's turned out I don't have any folder from which I run "make
> install", so I cannot run uninstall anything using "make uninstall". Do
> you think it is all right if I simply download new version of gnupg and
> libraries and simply overwrite on anything that already exists?
> Thanks

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