On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 02:06:17AM +0000, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> A request has been made that each instance of "Linux" in the FAQ be
> replaced with "GNU/Linux".

Oh ... say hi to RMS from us.  ;)

> I'm not inclined to make this change.  However, in order to make
> sure that the FAQ reflects the community's wishes, I'm submitting
> the proposal here for community feedback.
> If anyone has strong feelings on it one way or another, chime in.

I personally don't mind either way, but it is worth mentioning that in
the context of the GPG FAQ, it might be more accurate to say that it
is GNU/Linux.  Unless, of course, there are examples of the current
source code compiling on non-GNU/Linux systems successfully.

Has anyone managed to get any part of the GPG libs to compile on
Android/Linux?  As far as I'm aware no one has and all OpenPGP
implementations on Android devices require an entirely separate stack,
usually a Java implementation, but I'll be very happy to be proven
wrong on that.


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