I understand what you say, but for now I'm still thinking if use a
certificate for lvl1 or a key.. For sure in the next days I want to produce
a basic schematic of the system, protocol, expected workflow..
I already attempted something but so far I always changed idea halfway

On Fri, Sep 15, 2017, 10:52 Robert J. Hansen <r...@sixdemonbag.org> wrote:

> >> now's the time to go off and start committing code.
> >
> > hope you are kidding.. I'm not even finished to collect all the
> > information and ideas, then i need to crunch them up, come out with a
> > protocol schema, check with whatever is interested if sound..
> Nope.  Not kidding.
> The first version of your product will be awful.  That's to be expected.
>  Look into PGP 1.0 sometime: it was so terrible PRZ had to basically
> burn it down and start over.  And, you know, *that's okay*.
> Often, the best way to begin learning how to do something is to go out
> and do it.  Linus Torvalds was a mediocre C programmer who barely
> understood Minix when he first started working on Linux.  PRZ's initial
> PGP 1.0 was a joke.  Pretty much every successful software project you
> see today started from a bungled beginning, but the people working on
> the project learned from their mistakes and slowly things became very,
> very good.
> The best way to discover what problems you'll have to solve is to go out
> and encounter them.  Once you do that, *then* build solutions.
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