Am I right in understanding that, unless one wants to get into chat-expect and a fair bit of state logic behind a `fake’ pinentry — one cannot easily edit the PINs on a (fresh) smartcard by piping in a command sequence?
And in order to do so - does one really have to talk to the scdaemon directly ? Or is there a way to pass the (binary) PINs’ through a normal gpg-connect-agent channel (with the SCD prefix) ? Dw. #!/bin/sh # Factory default OLDMASTER=12345678 NEWMASTER=${MASTER:-87654321} NEWPIN=${PIN:-654321} NEWRESET=${RESET:-010101} # Reset the OpenPGP applet on the card. # cat <<EOM | gpg-connect-agent /hex scd serialno ……..snipped ….. scd apdu 00 44 00 00 EOM # Set the PINs to non-factory defaults. # ( echo PASSWD 3 ((echo -n D $OLDMASTER; dd bs=1 count=90 if=/dev/zero status=none) | dd bs=1 count=90 status=none; echo ) | dd status=none echo END ((echo -n D $NEWMASTER; dd bs=1 count=90 if=/dev/zero status=none) | dd bs=1 count=90 status=none; echo ) | dd status=none echo END echo PASSWD --reset 1 ((echo -n D $NEWMASTER; dd bs=1 count=90 if=/dev/zero status=none) | dd bs=1 count=90 status=none; echo ) | dd status=none echo END ((echo -n D $NEWPIN; dd bs=1 count=90 if=/dev/zero status=none) | dd bs=1 count=90 status=none; echo ) | dd status=none echo END echo PASSWD --reset 2 ((echo -n D $NEWMASTER; dd bs=1 count=90 if=/dev/zero status=none) | dd bs=1 count=90 status=none; echo ) | dd status=none echo END ((echo -n D $NEWRESET; dd bs=1 count=90 if=/dev/zero status=none) | dd bs=1 count=90 status=none; echo ) | dd status=none echo END ……..snipped ….. echo BYE ) | nc -U $XXXX/S.scdaemon _______________________________________________ Gnupg-users mailing list