El día jueves, junio 22, 2017 a las 08:28:57a. m. +0200, Matthias Apitz 

> Some days ago I acquired this uTrust token. And surprise, surprise, it
> showed the same symptoms as the other one, the HID Global OMNIKEY 6121
> Smart Card Reader: My operating system does not always recognises the
> USB device, not even when plug'ed in before power-on. This smells
> somehow as a hardware issue in the Acer C720 or in the kernel of the
> FreeBSD (and I do run CURRENT on it, i.e. compiled directly from SVN).
> Here is the bug issue I filed against our beloved FreeBSD:
> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=220127
> Only if someone has similar experiences.
> ...

At the end of the day it turned out that this was an issue in the
FreeBSD' drivers and/or some raise conditions or electrical problem. I
removed some of the drivers which were searching the USB bus for devices
and now have only the XHCI driver in the kernel (disabled UHCI, OHCI and EHCI)
and with this, the detection of both cards (uTrust and Omnikey) is fine.

Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ 
Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub
8. Mai 1945: Wer nicht feiert hat den Krieg verloren.
8 de mayo de 1945: Quien no festeja perdió la Guerra.
May 8, 1945: Who does not celebrate lost the War.

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