Am Fri, 9 Jun 2017 14:17:24 +0200
schrieb "Dr. Thomas Orgis" <>:

> But after that, claws-mail as well as gpgsm complain about
> the keys being ambiguous. Clearly, the call  

No takers? I am the only one getting a fresh S/MIME cert? I now
modified claws-mail to add preferences to each mail account for
separate PGP and S/MIME key choise and set the correct keys there.

I still wonder if that is the right approach or if there is a way to
convince gpgme to decide about the best key to use (clearly where all
others are expired).

Alrighty then,


Dr. Thomas Orgis
Universität Hamburg
RRZ / Basis-Infrastruktur / HPC
Schlüterstr. 70
20146 Hamburg
Tel.: 040/42838 8826
Fax: 040/428 38 6270

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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