Hi Ian,

Are you using a batch file script to automate the process? Can't the
script delete the files after running the gpg command?



On 6/8/2017 09:39, Ian A Morris wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have been tasked with setting up a secure file transfer mechanism for
> our organisation.
> We have created the private keys etc. using Kleopatra and are able to
> encrypt/sign (with asci armor) and decrypt and exchange files with our
> partners successfully.
> I would like to automate the process as follows.
> Users place files in a folder based on a Fileserver.
> GPG4Win (based on our SFTP Server) is scheduled to check the folder,
> encrypt any files it finds placing the encrypted file on the SFTP
> server’s Outbound folder and DELETING the original file on the Fileserver.
> I am able to automate the encryption but the original file stays in
> place. When using the GUI there are options for the following, “Remove
> unencrypted original file when don”
> Could you please help. I would like to
> I am using the following syntax
> Gpg2 –batch –recipient /xxxxx / –encrypt-files –armor C:\Location\*.txt
> Which creates the encrypted the files in the same location and the
> orginal files still remain.
> I have tried a number of different options, none of which worked for me.
> If I am able to to encrypt/decrypt and point the files to an alternative
> location and remove the orginals then I would be extremely grateful for
> the help.
> Kind Regards
> Ian A. Morris
> IT Infrastructure Analyst
> ICT Transformation Project
> Int: 7592191
> Tel: 02380 626897
> Mob: +44 7958 216696
> cid:image001.png@01D214E5.DE402DE0
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