> On 08 Feb 2017, at 10:17, Damien Goutte-Gattat <dgouttegat...@incenp.org 
> <mailto:dgouttegat...@incenp.org>> wrote:
> Even when your private keys are stored on a smartcard, you would still have a 
> corresponding file in the private-keys-v1.d directory. But this file is only 
> a "stub", that is, it only tells GnuPG that the actual key material is stored 
> on a smart card.

You mean that this “stub” contains no information which can be use to 
Or in other words in case someone steal this key, he/she can nothing do with 
that particular key, only in case the GPG key is located on a smartcard?
But if the key is not on the smart card this corresponding key can be use to 

I can not really find some detailed documentation of the `private-keys-v1.d` 
folder. Do you have some docu?



Marko Bauhardt
marko.bauha...@mailbox.org <mailto:marko.bauha...@mailbox.org>

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