On Fri, 27 Jan 2017 03:33, rsv...@runbox.com said:

> "The GPGME library returned and unexpected error at gpagenkeyadvop.c199. The 
> error
> was:  General Error"

That is a catch-all error message and thus we can't immediately see the
problem.  Please tell us more details.  

You should describe the problems as good as possible and try to come up
with a minimal recipe on how to replicate the problem.  We need to know
the *version* of the software and if you are using a non-released
version the GIT commit id.  The type and version of your *operating
system* is usually important, so please tell us.  In particular tell us
if you are problem occurs on a non Unix system, i.e. MS Windows.

You should also tell us which version of GnuPG is used:

  gpg2 --version

if this fails use:

  gpg --version

Note that you need to run this on the command line (i.e. in on a
terminal screen).  To see the version of gpa, you may run

  gpa --version
but you can also click on the "About" menu entry.



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